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Puppet and vagrant

So I’ve been playing with Puppet and Chef for server provisioning. The two technologies attempt to fill the same, or at least similar tasks: managing system configuration. With Vagrant, testing these two systems has become extremely easy. Vagrant supports both methods for server provisioning and the turnaround time for the tests is extremely short.

I have tried for quite a while to run chef on a system, to no avail. I’ve often found that an unexpected crash puts end to my testing, whereas the first times I tried puppet I achieved success. I also feel the declarative style with which the puppet modules are built really suits the problems that puppet solves.

This post is less of a comparison of Chef vs Puppet, perhaps the first in a series comparing the two, but for now we start with Puppet.

Simple configuration

Tools used:

  • vagrant
  • puppet
  • librarian-puppet

I’m not going to go into details about the installation of the tools, apart from to say that vagrant is installed from the vagrant website and puppet/librarian-puppet are installed as gems.

A project can be completetly defined (for example for version control) in four files:

  • Vagrantfile
  • Puppetfile
  • Gemfile
  • manifests/default.pp (by convention)

The directory layout for the project, and what should be checked into version control is

├── Gemfile
├── Puppetfile
├── Vagrantfile
└── manifests
    └── default.pp

The Gemfile stores the ruby gem versions, the Puppetfile sets the puppet modules, the Vagrantfile configures the virtual machine and the manifests/default.pp file defines the state of the virtual machine.


A simple portable gemfile stores the required gems (puppet and librarian-puppet) and gives the option to version them. An example gemfile is

source ""

gem 'librarian-puppet'
gem 'puppet'


This is where the vagrant virtual machine configuration is stored. The operating system and provisioning settings are stored here. A minimal example is given below, and sets up the box to use (precise64) and configures the puppet provisioning.


Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "precise64"

  config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
    puppet.manifests_path = "manifests"
    puppet.manifest_file = "default.pp"
    puppet.module_path = "modules"


A major part of development is the DRY principle, and applies to package configuration also. librarian-puppet allows pre-build and tested modules to install common packages. Puppetlabs maintain a repository of modules at puppet forge, or on github and these can be configured and managed through librarian-puppet. An example configuration is given below:

forge ""

mod 'puppetlabs/stdlib'
mod 'puppetlabs/postgresql'
mod 'puppetlabs/apt'

where the mod lines define the required modules with the author prefix, and the forge line defines the source. The syntax is remarkably similar to the Gemfile.


This file describes the final configuration. I recommend following the official puppet tutorial, an example file which installs vim can be:

exec { "apt-get update":
  path => "/usr/bin",

package { "vim":
  require => Exec["apt-get update"],
  ensure => present,

though this does not use the modules. These can be defined and configured by reopening the class declaration, e.g.

# Puppetfile
mod 'puppetlabs/postgresql'

# manifests/default.pp
exec { "apt-get update":
    path => "/usr/bin",

package { "vim":
    ensure => present,
    require => Exec["apt-get update"],

class { "postgresql::client":
    require => Exec["apt-get update"],

This configuration will install the vim and postgresql::client packages ensuring that apt-get update has been run before.

Starting a project from scratch

These files can be initialised through three commands:

  • bundle init,
  • vagrant init,
  • librarian-puppet init,

which are then configured to the users needs. Commands to run to create the full working system are

bundle install
bundle exec librarian-puppet install
vagrant up

Simple eh? More documentation for these files can be found: