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Python parallelism cheat sheet (part 2)

This blog post is the second in a series I am writing, covering methods of simple parallelism. The following posts cover more convenient methods, as well as some things that should be considered.

Parallelism methods

If I’ve skipped your favourite method of parallelism, feel free to tweet me or add a comment on the tracking issue informing me.

This method was brought to my attention by Tom Marsh, and is a nice alternative to using functools.partial.

In Python, a custom class instance can be treated like a function (technically a callable) if it has a __call__ method:

class Foo(object):
    def __call__(self):
        return 'Hello world!'

foo = Foo()
print(foo())  # Hello world!

We can take advantage of this for parallelism reasons, by replacing the construction of the partial function with a custom class, which stores any constant state as instance variables, and defines a __call__ method to perform the work.

To recap, the problem we are trying to parallelise is:

avalues = range(20)
bvalues = range(100, 120)
const = 100

results = []
for a, b in zip(avalues, bvalues):
    # pretend this computation is much more expensive
    results.append((a + b) * const)

The parallelised version with functools.partial looked like:

from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool  # 1

def worker_fn(changing_stuff, const_value):
    '''A function that takes as it's first parameter
    the values that change for each loop iteration, and
    the remaining parameters do not change with each
    loop iteration
    a, b = changing_stuff
    return (a + b) * const_value

avalues = range(20)
bvalues = range(100, 120)
const = 100

fn = partial(worker_fn, const_value=const)

# this must be an `iterable`, so a list or generator
zipped_args = zip(avalues, bvalues)  # 2

# Python 3
with Pool() as pool:  # 3
    results =, zipped_args)  # 4

# or if you're stuck with Python 2:
pool = Pool()
results =, zipped_args)  # 4

Instead of creating a partial function, we define a class which stores constant values as instance properties, and defines __call__:

from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool  # 1

class Worker(object):
    ''' Function object, which wraps any constant state with the class,
    along with implementing a method to call with the varying argument
    def __init__(self, const_value):
        self.const_value = const_value

    def __call__(self, changing_stuff):
        a, b = changing_stuff
        return (a + b) * self.const_value

avalues = range(20)
bvalues = range(100, 120)
const = 100

fn = Worker(const_value=const)

# this must be an `iterable`, so a list or generator
zipped_args = zip(avalues, bvalues)  # 2

# Python 3
with Pool() as pool:  # 3
    results =, zipped_args)  # 4

# or if you're stuck with Python 2:
pool = Pool()
results =, zipped_args)  # 4


Some things to note about this approach:

  • technically implementing __call__ is not necessary - due to Python’s attribute access any function can be used:
class Worker(object):
    def __init__(self, const_value):
        self.const_value = const_value

    def foo(self, changing_stuff):
        # implentation

# ...

worker = Worker(const_value=const)
with Pool() as pool:
    results =, zipped_args)
  • this solution may cause issues with concurrency, which the functools.partial version does not.

Each process has access to the Worker instance, and due to lack of mutability controls in Python, can change anything on the instance. Should the __call__ method change any state on the Worker instance then all hell breaks loose. With the functools.partial version, the function contents cannot change the value of the arguments passed so each function invocation has its own copy. This leads into

  • the function objects may be more (memory) efficient

I do not know for sure about this one, but as functools.partial objects copy the data across whereas function objects have the information stored once on the instance. This may mean that each process has a copy of the constant data with function objects, instead of each function invocation.

Alternatively Python may be more clever than this, and the information may be accessed more efficiently 🤷